Recruitment process Recruit
Hire talented person according to the recruitment system.
Manage the recruitment system as follow in order to select talented person who is suitable for the corporate culture.
Register the application form | Resume screening | 1th job interview | Hire |
1. Register the application form
Fill out and submit the application form according to the application method described in the job posting on our website.
2.Resume screening
Execute the resume screening based on review of the applicant's ability and qualifications.
3. 1th job interview (working-level and executive interview):
Professional interviewers comprehensively evaluate job ability and organizational fitness.
Decide to hire based on basic personality, values, attitudes, and abilities.
4. Hire
Decide that pass the final examination through above the recruitment process
채용공고 Recruit
(주)에스에이치엘 채용공고에 지원방법은 아래와 같으니 참고 부탁 드립니다.
1. SHL 홈페이지 또는 채용사이트(사람인, 잡코리아 등) 공고를 통한 지원
- 해당 공고의 입사지원 클릭 후 양식에 맞는 이력서 및 자기소개서 작성 후 지원
2. 이메일 지원
- 이력서 양식과 개인정보동의서 다운로드 후, 작성하여 이메일 지원
- 메일 :
- 기타 : 제출 시 이메일 제목에 지원부문, 이름 기재(必)
기타 문의사항은 담당자 메일 또는 연락처(031-291-5691)로 문의 바랍니다. 감사합니다.
Job posting Recruit
1. Apply through announcement of SHL website or recruitment site (Saram-in, Job Korea and etc.)
- Apply by complete a resume and a letter of self-introduction for appropriate to the form after click on the job application for the relevant announcement.
2. Apply by e-mail
- Complete to apply by e-mail after download the form of resume and personal information agreement
- E-mail :
- Others : Register to the job position, name in the subject of e-mail when submitting
For more inquiry, contact the person in charge of e-mail or call (031-291-5691)
Download the job application form